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love letters.

during the pandemic, I organized a writing club with some girlfriends. 12 of us in entirety, each person had their month to send out a letter. the letters were such a bright spot each month. recipes, quotes, book recommendations... ideas from some of the most creative makers I know… a true joy in my mailbox. I want to recreate that vibe, but digitally. a little love letter each month. recipes I’m cooking on repeat, good yoga classes in the area or cool things I’ve stumbled upon that maybe you’ll like too. whatever pops up that feels special. hopefully it will bring you a little sunshine. xoxo.

a few things...

1. bathhouse culture: I have found paradise and it's a bathhouse baby. years ago, a customer of mine encouraged me to check out the local Korean bathhouse and let me tell you...wherever you are in the world, immediately google "bathhouse near me." don't be afraid. just go. and sign up for a treatment. if you're local to the Bay Area, bless because this place is literally heaven on earth (treat yourself to the pure bliss, trust me). I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that I left my first visit feeling like a newborn babe. they scrub you, massage you... they even wash your hair. maybe I'm vain, but I've always hated walking out of a massage too greasy to move about the world freely. it's the perfect time of year to make a date to zen out. treat yourself.

2. something to read: paella aeterna. wtf is that? recently, I've been playing in this space Carl Jung called "threshold experience"-- that tricky time when you realize that an old part of your self must die so that you can become more fully the you you're supposed to be. if you've ever been there, this piece talks about that and this idea of paella aeterna, basically peter pan syndrome, but for the ladies. it's fascinating and the author is even more intriguing. Nada Alic. She has a collection of short stories called Bad Thoughts that I found really enjoyable. so, if you're into archetypes, have experienced our cultures obsession with youth or just want an interesting read, check this out. MOOD: I've become the person I am and I am going to enjoy it.

3. ayurveda: is there anything more fascinating than self-exploration? we spend a lifetime with ourselves, so why not delve a little deeper. Ayurveda is one of my favorite techniques for getting in touch with myself. I had the privilege of studying ayurveda several years ago and I find that fall is always a good time to lean into the ancient wisdom. ayurvedic medicine is old… 5000 years or so… and is a holistic (whole body) healing system. In a nutshell, ayurveda seeks to keep a person in balance through lifestyle, food, herbs, etc. (imbalance=discomfort/disease).

everyone of us is unique and has a unique Prakriti or constitution— your dosha. If you want to find out what your dosha is, here’s a little quiz. Autumn is vata season and you might notice that things are drying up; that you’re drying up. Excess vata can also contribute to feelings of anxiety. to help combat this, start every morning with a big glass of room temp water. add a little pink salt and a squeeze of lime (lime balances excess vata and salt helps your body hang onto moisture). This little tonic is also amazing for keeping digestion moving. And it tastes like a margarita, so really win win winning. abhyanga is also super nourishing during the dry season. You can dry brush your skin and then massage yourself with oil. kick your legs up the wall and just chill before taking a shower. you’ll be so smooth and so grounded. if that feels too daunting, just slather your feet with oil before bed (and put on socks). specific doshas benefit from specific oils, so let me know if you want more info on what is right for you!

4. the gardners corner: growing things brings me extreme joy. hot tip if you live on the west coast-- now is the time to plant your wildflower seeds. fall is the time that wildflowers naturally drop their seeds, so we can take a cue from mother nature and get them in the ground now. they'll overwinter and germinate and bloom in spring. if you're in a colder climate, late march to early may is the time to sow and mirror your version of the good mother.

5. food: last but certainly not least. bless cozy season. it feels like autumn is finally upon us in sunny california and I am leaning into fall so hard. i recently cohosted a supper club at my house and baked honey cake for dessert. the thing about honeycakes... they're kind of gorgeous, extremely tasty and incredibly easy. plus, they can tastily be made gluten and dairy free. I've been making them on repeat and here is the recipe. honey cake goes great with my simple jam recipe (literally, the easiest). I've also been currying EVERYTHING. i can't be stopped. I curried delicate squash recently and I am officially addicted. there are so many recipes I want to share... I always have lentils on my mind and I have been making applesauce by the gallon, but we will save those for a future love letter. if you have something delicious, please pass it along!

that's it for this love letter. hope you had some fun!

so much love to you.



PS: Sunhoneys will be popping up at The Waxing Moon Market on Sunday, November 13th. 65 Red Hill San Anselmo, CA 11-3. and December 4th from 10-2pm, I'll be slinging sunshine at the cutest holiday market. if you want details, RSVP at

fresh stuff coming to Hot Yoga Republic this week! and you can always find sunhoneys at Emmas Shop in Fairfax or online at

you can always shop sunhoneys on our website at

hope to connect with you in real life soon. xxx.

follow along... @heathbar83 @sun_honeys

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